streamline your payments

Online & MOTO Card Acceptance

RSM 2000’s Online Card services provide straight forward solutions that allow you to take E-commerce payments via your website, or process Mail Order or Telephone Order (“MOTO”) payments in a way that is easy to implement, secure and flexible. We even have MobiCash, a secure mobile App for taking card payments.

RSM 2000’s Online Card Acceptance Services

Start Taking Card Payments Online Your Way

Main Features

  • Secure card data capture
  • Simple integration
  • Multiple merchant accounts settling into multiple bank accounts
  • One time & recurring payments
  • Option of Multiple campaigns with different pages and separate reporting
  • Affiliate tracking
  • Unified reporting with MOTO and MobiCash solutions

Features For Bespoke Markets

  • Gift Aid recording for charities
  • Debit card only transactions for lottery clients

Easy Development Tools

We provide a development demo system together with integration guides and test pages. We are more than happy to speak directly to your developers to assist with any integration needs.

Data Security

We have Tier 1 Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) accreditation for our solutions.

Hosted Card Payment Pages (CPWeb)

CPWeb uses form-based redirect to & from your website, with the option of different web pages for different campaigns. Using templates each page can be configured to look like your website but is securely hosted on our servers.

Secure Card Payment API (CPWeb Direct)

If you have the appropriate PCI-DSS accreditation, then CPWeb Direct provides API access for integrations such as content management and CRMs. Bulk file upload via our secure portal is also supported.

Secure iframe Card Processing (CPWidget)

CPWidget uses a customisable iframe displayed within your web page to capture card data, freeing you from PCI considerations of card data being entered directly on your website. Non card related information can be captured as normal on your web-site.

Website CMS Plugins (CPWeb Plugin)

We provide plugins for popular web Content Management Systems (“CMS”) such as WooCommerce and WordPress that make integrating our payment gateway easy and secure.

CPTerminal & CPMOTO

Taking Payments By Telephone & Mail Order

RSM 2000 provides a web based Virtual Terminal facility for processing Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions.
Our system comes with a host of optional features including:

  • Support for fully automated recurring payments
  • Secure logins by multiple users with different access privileges
  • Local and head office access with appropriate access privileges and reporting
  • Gift Aid capturing for charities
  • Debit cards only for Society Lotteries

Payments are processed through the same flexible reporting engine as used by our other e-commerce services, giving access to multiple campaigns or enhanced data collection if required.

Mobile Card Payment via Mobile apps

RSM 2000 can provide solutions for businesses and charities wanting to take mobile payments from people via an app called MobiCash.

Working in conjunction with MobiCash, RSM 2000 can provide mobile payment solutions incorporating QR-code, NFC, voice and other technologies to trigger payments by card via a mobile phone.

MobiCash is an easy-to-implement and user-friendly mobile payments service designed to make hassle-free payments without compromising security. It’s simple to use and offers a cheaper and more inclusive way of accepting payments.

MobiCash can offer you

The MobiCash app provides a new physically distanced way of collecting payments and donations at events, online or in store. Anything can become a payment point from marketing materials to your website, shop windows and our ready-to-use mobile app

  • A wide variety of payment and security options including biometric identification
  • A homepage tailored to your business or charity; personalise your space in the app to showcase your organisation and detail how payments can be made
  • A service that helps reduce the costs and risks associated with cash handling
  • Valuable insights into where your payments / donations come from
  • An online portal that provides a universal overview of your MobiCash activity, lets you generate QR codes and more
  • For charities, an opportunity to include Gift Aid with each donation made
  • A mobile marketplace platform to start selling your merchandise via the in-app mobile store
  • Bespoke advertising packages to ensure visibility and help you attract new donors /customers, or, announce fundraising events or product campaigns
  • Affiliate tracking
  • An in-app event tool with a lot of exciting features that can help you manage your fundraising events
RSM 2000’s MobiCash service has been developed by Compass Plus, an international provider of payments technology with over 30 years of experience.

What Clients Say About Us

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Speak to one of our representatives today to see how our payment solutions can help you.

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Other Services

As the use of cash declines, taking payments by Chip and PIN or contactless terminals has never been more important.

RSM 2000 offers a comprehensive range of terminals capable of supporting both Chip & PIN transactions and Contactless payments.

RSM 2000 can help your organisation to enjoy the benefits of Direct Debit with:

  • Predictable regular income
  • Greater control of your cash flow
  • Reduced time spent reconciling and chasing
  • payments
  • The ability to detect bad debt earlier
  •  Greater control of price changes